Hard Work
Just kidding about never blogging again. Our teachers decided not to give us homework, or to assign a super easy quiz tomorrow, so I have some extra time.
Ironically i've done the least amount of hard work today in a very long time, and yet i'm going to talk about it..
Isn't it strange how working hard has satisfactory bennefits? It sounds crazy, but i think in at least one area you all will agree with me. Like when you're muscles are burning cuz you're working so hard. You don't necessarily like the pain, but it's extremely gratifying. You work long and hard on that paper, and in the end you feel so fulfilled. You make a consious effort to try hard (with the help of God) to obey Him and love him, and even though hard at first in the end you get such an elated feeling.
When you only think about the consept it sound WAY crazy. That the burn of a blister forming can feel good. That all you're muscles cramping like you'll never be able to walk again, and you still smile. I love the day-after sore feeling where it hurts just to bend over or simply walk, (and that's not just b-cuz i love the smell of icy hot, even though i do).
God's really smart when he created us to feel emotions at all instead of just being robots. And to feel pain too, i'm so glad that i have a range of touch. So much of life would be lost without it!
** here's a quick Hello to my kiwi: Hey KEILAH! I miss ya SOOO much! the house is so empty without ya! Come home soon!