Thursday, August 17, 2006


hmmmmm im actually really bored right now. My life has been so jam-packed that i havent had time to stop and breathe till like now. and i miss it. I really want to start school. full time, i dont want to work, i just want to go to purdue, and have fun with friends and take ballet and swing dancing and have fun. And most of all i want to be done with highschool drama. I had fooled myself into thinking that it was over. Aside from just meeting new friends, even with some old friends, i almost thought it was over. and speaking of drama i'd just like to say.
In response to certain bashing on those of female persuasion for bashing on you or something. w/e. ummm the whole swarming new students thing is just because its a new student. you cant expect anything less from a highschool of like 200. be real. I dont know what girls you were refering to, but if ones acuse boys of just talking to a girl cuz she's pretty, then the girl is jealous or bored, or most likely both! But hey girls are guilty as charged of the same thing as boys, so lets all just mutually agree to get over it. Hey girls are superficial, boys are superficial, sure its not right at all but it happens. in the end all that matters is if you can spend the rest of your life with that person, but right now, who's thinking about that? no, everyone just wants to make friends (yours truly), or flirt, or get a relationship. and hey if thats your choice, more power to you, but personally im not ready to get married (ever) so im just interested in friendship. Oh and speaking of friendship, i was very nice to andy. Meg even told me she didnt know how i was so nice to him. sure towards then end of the year, we didnt end up as best of friends, but i gave him a chance, and if our personalities dont match perfectly, well thats why im not his girlfriend! more power, to her, im sure shes a real sweet girl, there are many types of people in this world, which is good news for all of us, because it means that God has a match for us, if its his will. And i personally am willing to patiently wait for God to bring him along. that shouldnt be our primary concern.

I heard this quote and i really liked it, it went something like;

"run as fast and as hard as you can towards being like Christ. and If out of the corner of you eye you spot someone else running as fast and as hard as you are.........'

God bless you all and your future decisions, what ever they may be.


At 7:01 AM, Blogger julio said...

its easy to be nice to a persons face.

At 1:17 PM, Blogger turza said...

i agree with jenni.
jared, thats true, but i was honestly being nice, to him and giving him a chance, and you can think whatever you want

At 4:29 PM, Blogger yoshi said...

whether that's true or not could deffinately be up for debate...there's a good number of guys who think andy was given the shaft by a good number of the girls at faith...and ya know, not to be mean, but your name comes up at the top of the list of the ones who mistreated him.

At 4:45 PM, Blogger turza said...

ok whatever. how andy and i got along with each other is for us to discuss if we choose. it is not open for the opinions of bigoted and partialed bystanders.
and i think that for once you should stop picking on the petty faults of others. i could, but will not list a long and extensive list of many many people, boys and girls, younger and older, whom you were disrespectful to, whom you ridiculed beyond belief and i was utterly embarrased on your behalf as my friend for some of the things you did to them or said about them, but i have news. highschooll is over (thank the Lord-and no thats not in vain, i mean it truly) and it would be better if we all just either forgave each other our differences and scruples or if you still cant get over it, then talk individually.

At 8:29 AM, Blogger MEC said...

Joe, where's my name on that list? Andy came the last year of of high school and just kinda found a nook with some people,and we all accepted that.We didn't force him to be into school or into anything that we were we let him find his own place and didn't bash him for it just accepted that and him. Let's forget it! Andy's in Florida and highg school is over! This would be something for Andy to discuss with us, not everyone but him!


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