Thursday, January 19, 2006

Girls and Boys

....hmm this is my second post on boys and girls. Maybe I should be phsycologist. (ha,ha :0 ).

Boys are expected, and by girls, to be funny, at times, not to much or too repetitive, but to insert a witty comment after every other line of conversation. I know I'm glad that I'm not a boy, as girls are good only to giggle and approve of the boys' comments, or else to scorn and dash his feelings for being unoriginal or not funny (of which I am neither).
If a boy is popular or cute, she must laugh politely at his sayings even if they are completely stupid, or if she thinks for herself, she is often 'uncool'. A task I deem much easier than having to come up with the original lines.

A boy is suppossed to be the leader, even if the girl is better equiped, but since today so many girls are all about women's rights, it is sometimes reversed in job positions.

A girl in order to be cool, or liked by boys needs to be somewhat independant, enough to make a boy chase her, but not so much as to make him run a marathon just to find her, (exeptions are made at both ends of the spectrum as some boys are especilly fat and lazy, or enjoy running for miles and miles-i don't know how but hope that there are more boys in the world of the later persuasion, since my own tendancies are sadly independant). She must be quiet, because loud girls are annoying, even though of course loud boys are just FINE. She must have a little humor, but not too much lest she embarrass the boy at her wit surpassing his own. She must be short and delicate, dress well, not inclined to tripping on carpets or stairs, but elegant and graceful (to my everlasting chagrin, i can be graceful only when dancing, but the stairs have plotted my downfall, and the carpets jump only at me).

These are my conclusions on the matter. I know that many boys have fallen for girls most uncharacteristic of my model girl, but it seems that the starting line is there, and once a girl gets close enough to these characteristics, exeptions are made as the case varies. And it takes all sorts of people to make a world, as an example myself, of whom would be laughed to shame should anyone accuse me of being short, delicate, quiet, graceful, funny or any other possible thought. I enjoy my independance and I must say that with one exeption I regret nothing about my lack of dating in highschool, (and this exeption has really nothing to do that I regret not having dated, but regret my own imature actions). Really i must say though that highschool is better lived among friends than simply revolving aroung one special person, of whom your only memories will recall that bitter ending of so passionate a 'like'.

That all being said, i would like to hear you're thoughts on the matter, as I know that no one can share the same opinions to a tall clumsy and most unattractive brunette....


At 5:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

you described the "expected" boy and girl really well....

i don't really care that i'm not like that though, i like being me.

and i think it's cool that you have dated in highschool:)

At 5:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

*haven't dated

At 4:33 AM, Blogger Rebecca said...

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At 4:38 AM, Blogger Rebecca said...

Sorry bout that--I messed up so much in that last post...
The jist was that you're absolutely beautiful and inspiring (most of the time anyway:)) and that you definately don't have to meet those fairy tale expectations in real life (although it would be nice!) Emily Rausch told me something that a guy friend said to her--it totally summed up everything and will stay with me forever:
My fairy tale will be better.
(maybe this isn't beautiful to you-but...i love it!)
(Oh and by the way, being short is definately not romantic!)

At 1:54 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

I really don't understand women at all, even if they are "perfect" (whatever that is).

At 4:30 PM, Blogger turza said...

Ha, ha, thanks guys for your support. And yes rebecca, short is romantic, for how else can you look up shyly through your eyelashes if you have to look down at the guy??
I do like being me, it just seems sometimes that everyone else's "me" is perfect, and i'm sadly lacking. I'll miss you all so much next year!

At 12:57 PM, Blogger MEC said...

psht! I think your post Tirz is wonderful!!! It describes high school perfectly. The fact that we are always currently 'cool' in our own eyes, but years or months later we regret the foolish ways we've acted

Short people rock!, but Tirz I couldn't be short if you weren't tall
I love ya forever and always!!

At 4:50 PM, Blogger Sage said...

that was pretty awesome... but so true... hehehe...

At 2:32 PM, Blogger MEC said...

Joel, I have to say "You're a dork"

hee hee hee hee hee hee

Tirz now you can truely appreciate this

At 5:01 PM, Blogger kiwi said...

Tirz, i love you and i'm so proud you. You stuck with ballet even when the rest of us quit and you worked really hard and became an amazing dancer. You are beautiful and smart too! I know God has an amazing future planned out for you! write me sometime...i'd love to hear how things are going there.

At 2:08 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

i think that was pretty well thought out but i don't think you can really say all that you did about dating because you have no experience in the subject and until you do, who are you to judge. more power to you for not dating in high school, but don't judge or think that you understand those that do.


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