Thursday, October 07, 2004

A Psychiatris would diagnos me as...

...One who suffers from random tears. I'm sure he or she would not say it exactly like that, it'd be something more like a leak in the tear duct, caused by an imbalance in the emotional system. Those of you who know me are probably laughing right now, remembering the countless times of having to ask: "what's wrong Tirzah?" only to hear: "nothing!" fruitlessly betrayed by the tears sliding down my face.
I cry at everything: when my grades aren't doing so well, when someone has corrected me harshly, when I'm frustrated, or even just tired (:)).
I still remember Freshmen year: I was just getting used to my schedule, when they rearranged it and I walked bawling into Mr. Lambeth's Biology class of two seniors, three Juniors, and a freshmen. I spent the whole class, misreably sniffling in the back corner. Everyone else attempted to hold a lesson, while i sat red faced, trying to hide behind the tissue box. (it didn't work).
Another crying memory, includes at my 15th birthday party. I had gotten one hour of sleep and the next morning a Mark Kay rep. came. Out of frustration that my eyeshadow looked like I had just recieved a black eye, I ran crying to the bathroom, as peels of laughter of my amused friends was heard behind me. I was thoroughly embarrased, as I tried to wash off my black and red splotched face, and my Mom has never let me forget the incident.
The psychiatrist would probably perscibe some drug to me, but a better solution would be to always get enough sleep, and pray when ever I think I'm going to cry. (this has worked before!) But crying does actually make you feel better! It even says in the bible something to the effect of : sorrow is but for the night, but joy comes in the morning!


At 4:26 PM, Blogger Rebecca said...

I wouldn't reccomend the psychiatrist to you Turz--the diagnosis might come rather sharply-inviting an onslaught of uninvited tears. lol I love you!!

At 8:48 AM, Blogger Matt Harmless said...

maybe I need to cry more


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